Brief Introduction of Central Sector Scheme Scholarship
The objective of Central Sector Scheme Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to academically strong students belonging to lower income families. It is to help them meet a part of their daily expenditures while studying. The official website can be accessed at

The Central Sector Scheme Scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of results of senior secondary school examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per year (41000 for boys & 41000 for girls) will be distributed to graduate and postgraduate students enrolled in different colleges and universities.The scholarship will also be given to students who are in professional courses such as Medical science, Engineering etc.
Allocation of Scholarship
The total number of scholarships that are to be distributed will be divided among the State Boards depending on the State’s population in the age group of 18 to 25 years, after keeping aside the share of C.B.S.E. and I.C.S.E. on the basis of no. of students passing out from different Boards thorough out the country. 50 % of the scholarships would be reserved for girl students only. The no. of scholarships assigned to a State Board would be distributed among graduates of the Science, Commerce and Humanities streams of the different State Boards in the ratio of 3:2:1.
Eligibility for Central Sector Scheme Scholarship
- Students who are above 80 percentile of pass out candidates in their respective streams for a particular examination board, should not belong to any of the creamy layer.
- Student must be enrolled in regular mode of study and not correspondence or part time.
- Student must not be availing scholarship from any other source.
- Scholarship is only available for non creamy layers.
- Parental income of the ward from all sources should not exceed INR 450000 per year.
Selection Procedure
The examining bodies of each board will prepare a merit list of students who are most likely to get scholarship within 5 weeks. After the results of the board examinations have been announced by their respective Boards/Universities/Authority for all students. The income of the student’s parents should be taken into consideration before preparing the list.
The board are instructed to write the list of most eligible students from starting of merit list up to two times the no. of scholarships are available. It should be sent through a registered letter so as to confirm within a period of fifteen days, whether he or she is ready to accept the scholarship.
The students from whom replies are not received within thirty days of the State Board / C.B.S.E. / I.C.S.E. showing their willingness to accept will not be considered for this scholarship. As a result, the award will be automatically transferred to the next eligible candidates in the merit list.

Rate of Scholarship
The rate of Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship would be INR 1000 per month for Graduation students for first three years of College. INR 2000 per month for Postgraduate students. Students who are in professional courses would get INR 2000/- p.m. in the fourth and fifth year. The Central Sector Scheme Scholarship scholarship would be paid only for 10 months in any academic year.
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