Brief Introduction
The Common Wealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is a prestigious international program under which governments of commonwealth countries offer scholarships/fellowships to the citizens of other Commonwealth countries for pursuing Clinical Training in case of Medicine/ Masters/Post-Graduation/ Ph.D in their countries.
The CSFP basically aims at students of Commonwealth countries who can make a contribution to their home country after the completion of higher studies abroad.

Level Of Courses
1.Completed at least one year Master’s courses or a degree equivalent to it.
2.Completed doctoral degree of up to 3/4 years duration.
Things Covered under Scholarship
- Common Wealth Scholarship Covers a whole trip economic international travel.
- It also covers tuition fees during the entire period of course.
- In addition to above, adequate maintenance expenses and other allowances are also given.
- Allowance for warm clothing
- Any expenses involved in thesis for Ph.D will be borne by scholarship.
- Study Travel Grant within UK.
- For Ph.D Scholars paid visit to their home country during mid-term
- Spouse Allowance
- Child Allowance
Subjects that Common Wealth Scholarship covers
Engineering and Technology
1.Remote Sensing Technology
2. Communication Engineering
3.Biotechnology Engineering
4. Biochemical Engineering
6. Computer Applications
7. Aerospace Engineering
8.Civil Engineering
9.Material Science
10. Mining Enginering
11. Marine Engineering
Science (Pure and applied)
2.Molecular Biology
4.Chemistry (including Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry)
Agriculture & Allied Field
Humanities & Social Science
3.Management Studies
8.English (Literature/Logistic)
9.Political Science with International Relations.
Eligibility for Scholarship
- Applicant should be an Indian residing in India.
- Applicant should have completed tertiary education in English medium.
- Candidates applying for Master’s program should hold their Bachelor’s Degree latest by October 2017 in the subject/field he is interested to apply for. He also must have scored 60% or above in Humanities and Social Science group and 65% or above marks in Engineering and Technology, Science and Agriculture group.
- Applicants for Ph.D are expected to hold their Master’s degree latest by October 2017 in subject/field he is interested to apply for. He also must have scored 60% or above in Humanities and Social Science group and 65% or above marks in Engineering and Technology, Science and Agriculture group.
- Candidates should be older than 40 years of age.
- IELTS test will be considered if if taken after October 1, 2015 and before March 6, 2016.
Initial selection of students for Common Wealth Scholarship is done in India by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Department of Education, and Government of India.
Once Initiation is completed, shortlisted candidates are called in for personal interviews in New Delhi.
Contact Information
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
John Foster House
36 Gordon Square
London, WC1H OPF
Tel: +44-207-387 8572
Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD)
Department of Higher Education
External Scholarship Division
ES.4 Section, West Block-1
Wing-6, 2nd Floor, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110066
Tel: +91-11-26172491 and 26172492

Last date to apply is 15 November 2016. Apply from website here
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