Brief Introduction of Tata Innovation Fellowship
Applications from around the country are invited for Tata Innovation Fellowship, which is a highly competitive scheme presided over by the Department of Min. of Science & Technology, Biotechnology and Government of India to recognise and award scientists who have achieved outstanding in the field biological sciences and posses a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to persistent problems in our health care, agricultural area and other areas related to life sciences & biotechnology. The website can be accessed here

Eligibility for Tata Innovation Fellowship
1. Tata Innovation Fellowship is available for all Indian Nationals who are living in India and are below the age of 55 years on November 21, 2016.
2.The applicants for Tata Innovation Fellowship need to have a Ph.D. degree in agriculture, life science, vet. science or a Masters’ in Engineering, medical sciences or any equivalent degree in biotechnology or related areas. It will be good if the applicant has contributed and published in his specialised area.
3. The applicant should have a permanent position in any university or institute or organisation should b involved with research & development work.
4. Applicant can avail only one scholarship at a time.
5. The candidate must have resided at least 5 years in India for applying for Tata Innovation Fellowship.
6. Applicant must posses evidence of outstanding record and must posses a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to persistent problems in our health care, agricultural area and other areas related to life sciences & biotechnology.
Nature of Support of Tata Innovation Fellowship
1. The amount of the scholarship is INR 25,000/- per month. Also in addition to this, a regular salary will also be given from the host institute. However, if the fellowship awardee is receiving salary from an international organization, he/she will be given only research grant i.e. contingency.
2.In addition to above, each Fellow will also receive a contingency grant of INR 6.00 lakh per year for his expenses on consumable items, equipment, international travel and domestic travel, any manpower employed and other contingent expenditures incurred related to the implementation of ongoing research project under tata innovation fellowship.
3.The Tata Innovation Fellowship awardee would be eligible for other regular research grants but only through extramural or other research schemes.
Application a total of six copies have be sent as per proforma which can be downloaded from DBT website here and must be duly forwarded by a competent authority to Dr. A. K. Rawat, Scientist ‘F’, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003.

Last date for sending fellowship form is November 21, 2016.
Only five students are granted this scholarship each year.
The tenure for fellowship is three years which is extendable only if recommended by core committee.
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