Brief Introduction of S.N. Bose Scholars Program
S.N. Bose Scholars Program plans for nurturing future innovators and thought evoking leaders, Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), the Science & Engineering Board (SERB), Govt. of India, and WINStep Forward have forged a partnership to develop a dynamic and productive student exchange program between renowned institutions in India and the United States of America. The S.N. Bose Scholars Program is named in honor of Satyendra Nath Bose (1894 to 1974). He was a visionary Indian physicist, known for his work on quantum physics/mechanics in the early 20th century.

The program is aimed at:
- providing an opportunity to Indian students to experience first hand world class research facilities in renowned U.S. institutions.
- encouraging and motivating students to take up research as an option for career.
- paving the way for the next generation of think tanks and scientists in science and technology.
- building long term R and D linkages and collaborations beyond regional bottlenecks.
S.N. Bose Scholars Program covers
- 2000 US $ stipend.
- Insurance (health).
- Air fare.
Eligibility Criteria for S.N. Bose Scholars Program
- Students who are currently enrolled in a Bachelors or Master’s degree in Atmospheric and earth Sciences,chemical Sciences, engineering, mathematical and computational sciences and physical sciences are eligible to apply. PhD students cannot apply.
- If any candidates applies for fields other than those mentioned in the advertisement, it will be rejected.
- Only those students who will be finishing their Bachelors or Master’s program on or after May 2018 can apply.
- This year i.e. for 2017 the applications will be accepted only through nominations.
- All the departments from each renowned institute have to nominate two of their best students. The students must be from each branch for the S.N. Bose Scholars Program.
- If the top 2 nominated students do not wish to apply for S.N. Bose Scholars Program, the department may choose to nominate the next two meritorious students.
Procedure to Apply
1. First of all, visit the website here and click on login/signup given on the top right corner of the website.

2. Next is the verification step. You will receive the activation link on your registered email id that you provided while signing up. Make sure you also search in junk or spam folder.
3. Then, using the link in step 1 instead of signup. Login now into the online portal using your email id and password. Note it down for future references.
4. Now, click on the Apply for – Start Application that appears in your profile on webpage.
5. Fill all the necessary details in the form.
6. You can save the details you entered anytime by clicking Save button provided at the bottom of page.
7. Submit the form once everything is carefully filled in.
8. Download a PDF copy of the form you have submitted. Also, it is advisable that you download and keep a copy of it for future references. Kindly note down your Application ID which is very important.
Deadlines for S.N. Bose Scholars Program
Last submission date for online application form is October 31, 2016.
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