The Foundation for Excellence Scholarship Program gives financial assistance to economically weak students to pursue higher education within India

Foundation for Excellence Scholarship

Brief Introduction of Foundation for Excellence Scholarship The Foundation for Excellence Scholarship Program gives financial assistance to economically weak students to pursue higher education within India. Foundation for Excellence Scholarship is available to any qualified student, it doesn’t matter what applicants’ caste, community, gender or religion is. Moreover, the main eligibility criteria of this scholarship is that the […]

His Holiness Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation has launched a Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship Scheme to provide Financial Assistance to Meritorious Students to pursue Professional and Technical Courses for Graduation and Post-Graduation levels and who excel in sports and cultural activities at State/National Level.

Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship | Details

Brief Introduction of Nirankari Rajamata Scholarship Saint Nirankari Charitable Foundation in the past had introduced a Scholarship Scheme to financially support Meritorious Students from the session 2014-15 onwards, on the basis of  Merit, to help them fulfill their dreams of to pursuing Professional or Technical Courses at Graduate and Post-Graduate levels in any institute they can secure admission into. As of […]

The objective of the LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship scheme is to reward scholarships to meritorious students belonging to financially weaker families to give them better opportunities to pusue higher education and in return enhance their employ-ability.

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship | Full details

Brief Introduction of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship The LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship is meant to be awarded to students pursuing studies in India in any government or a private college/university. Also it will cover the technical and vocational courses expenses in Industrial Training Institutes or Industrial Training Centers which are affiliated with the National Council for Vocational […]

PM's Scholarhip Scheme is a very good and hefty scholarships for wards of army widowed, ex army serviceman or ex coast guards.

PM’s Scholarship Scheme | Details and Procedure

Brief Introduction of PM’s Scholarship Scheme PM Scholarship Scheme was first introduced from the Academic year of 2006-07 with a vision of encouraging higher technical and professional education for the dependent wards of Ex Servicemen/ Ex Coast Guard personnel or  their widows (below officer rank) and dependent wards / widows of Ex-Servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard personnel who died […]

ONGC Scholarship is a very prestigious and popular scholarship awarded to engineers and doctors who belong to economically backward class or OBC

ONGC Scholarship | Procedure and Details

Brief Introduction of ONGC Scholarship ONGC, a public sector enterprise, has a long and cherish able tradition of laudable initiatives, planned programs and fair practice of Corporate Social Responsibility which have had a remarkable role in the overall development of many underdeveloped regions of the India. The vision of sustainable growth is the driving force for both business […]

Gaurav Foundation scholarship is an excellent scholarship for students who are citizens of India to study in India and abroad

Gaurav Foundation Scholarship | Procedure and Details

Brief Introduction of Gaurav Foundation Scholarship Gaurav Foundation Scholarship is an initial startup scholarship program of Gaurav foundation, an NGO which was formed in 2007 and was recognised later under ROC section 25. The organisation works under the able guidance of its founder, chairman and managing director Dr. Gaurav Singhal. He is a firm believer of […]

IIT B Monash Research Academy Scholarship for distinguished and remarkable phd scholars for helping them financially to carry out world class research

IIT B Monash Research Academy Scholarship

Brief Introduction of  IIT B Monash Research Academy Scholarship With an ever increasing number of reputed corporations, various governments and advance research institutes are looking at India for extensive research and development that will hopefully offer effective, high impact solutions to many of the prominent research issues in the world as of today ranging from change […]

R D Sethna Scholarship is a loan based schloarship awarded to students who want to pursue studies in India and abroad

R D Sethna Scholarship | Details and Procedeure

Brief Introduction of R.D. Sethna Scholarship R D Sethna Scholarship is  one of the oldest and best scholarship program initiated after the death of Mr. R D Sethna, a well known Indian Philanthropist in 1938 who assisted outstanding and deserving students from all communities and all backgrounds. The R D Sethna Scholarship Fund grants is basically a […]

National Scholarship Exam a prestigious exam held at all india level to identify hidden talents among students in all streams from class 5 to graduation and to provide financial assistance to needy students.

National Scholarship Exam | Information and Application

Brief Introduction of National Scholarship Exam The National Scholarship Exam is  a Multiple Choice Questions patterned examination which helps Students to be more practical and careful while attempting the questions. The questions the this examination carries are made in such a manner that a student will develop decision taking ability and the power of reasoning. This exam […]

aditya birla scholarship for acadmically strong students from iit iim law colleges who are financially weak

Aditya Birla Scholarship | Information

Brief Introduction The Aditya Birla Group through Aditya Birla Scholarship continues to carry on the legacy of its legendary leader, late Aditya Vikram Birla, the man who was different than others and left the world better than when he came. Although it is rooted in Indian values and morale its nothing short of its global […]